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Heritage does not sell the curriculum without certification. Please contact us for more information.
Information about Heritage Keepers Abstinence Education:
- It is the only Title V Section 510 consistent abstinence-outside-of-marriage Sexual Risk Avoidance (SRAE) program in the nation that meets the federal criteria for being listed by the US Department of Health and Human Services as one of 41 evidence-based (proven-effective) teen pregnancy prevention programs.
- It has been reviewed by US Office of Population Affairs, Office of Adolescent Pregnancy Prevention and approved for medical accuracy.
- Additionally, the Medical Institute for Sexual Health also reviewed and approved the curriculum for medical accuracy, with the most recent approval in summer 2019. Through a contract with the US Dept of Health and Human Services to review all funded Sexual Risk Avoidance programs, Pal-Tech also completed review and medical accuracy review approval of the materials in 2022.
- ASCEND (formerly the National Abstinence Education Association) has reviewed and approved the curriculum for meeting the federal Title V, Section 510 requirements for abstinence education (sexual risk avoidance education), with the most recent approval in Spring 2023.
- The curriculum has been reviewed and approved for being inclusive and non-stigmatizing towards LGBTQ youth.
- The curriculum has been reviewed and approved for compliance with federal regulations prohibiting support of programs that promote religion or abortion.

Extensive behavioral studies indicate that a year after Heritage Keepers, program students initiated sex at a rate 67% lower than well-matched non-program students. This particular study was of 2,215 students in 41 SC schools, and the population of the study was 63% African American. Strong program outcomes have been found across age, gender and race in rural, urban and suburban settings.
Staff are available for workshops, speaking engagements and trainings in South Carolina. Contact Tammy Bryant, MSW, Chief Program Officer:
If you would like to email us about scheduling a 3-day Heritage Keepers Abstinence Education Curriculum training:
Professional Certification Training
Professional Certification Training is required when teaching Heritage Keepers Abstinence Education with government or foundation support (for example, CAE, SRAE, PREP, and Title V funding) and for a government agency or public school district or taught in public school setting. Professional Certification Training is also required whenever the program is evaluated. When the program is evaluated, the use of Dr. Stan Weed’s evaluation/survey tool is strongly recommended. There must be a formal agreement between Heritage and your selected evaluator. (A working relationship between Heritage and the program evaluator is essential to effectiveness monitoring and improvement strategies.) Each person requesting Professional Certification Training is required to purchase a Heritage Keepers Abstinence Education Teacher Kit and complete a 3-day professional training. Additional materials are available upon request.
Pricing for Professional Certification Training and Materials
Community Authorization Training
Community Authorization Training is available for any person/agency providing Heritage Keepers Abstinence Education privately, in a small setting, or without government or foundation support. Each person requesting Community Authorization Training to teach Heritage Keepers Abstinence Education is required to purchase a Heritage Keepers Abstinence Education Teacher Kit and complete a 12-hour Heritage Keepers Teaching Webinar. After completing the webinar and reviewing all materials, each trained person will be required to pass an online authorization test before teaching the curriculum to adolescents. Evaluation of the Heritage Keepers program is not allowed with this training option, and this option may not be used for agencies providing services to schools or agencies using government or foundation support to provide the abstinence education services. Trained persons receive authorization to teach the Heritage Keepers curriculum but do not receive certification.
For agencies located in South Carolina, training will be provided by Heritage staff. Contact Tammy Bryant at for more information.