Our mission is to strengthen the character of America’s adolescents and our communities one individual, one family, and one institution at a time.
For those of us at Heritage Community Services, the well-being of children is what it is all about. It is about their parents having a healthy relationship. It is about the family structures they belong to. It is about the behaviors they will adopt that will enable them to first get an education, then get a job, then get married, and, then, start their own families. It is about healthy family formation and maintenance.
Our goal is to communicate the realities of sexual activity and the benefits of forming healthy families. We strive to:
- Address building healthy relationships outside the context of sex
- Provide training in character-building and life skills
- Explain the consequences of sexual activity outside of marriage
- Explain the consequences of family fragmentation on child and family well-being
- Define the characteristics and benefits of healthy family formation